TY - JOUR AU - Cabal Álvarez, Belén AU - Quintero Martínez, Félix AU - Díaz Rodríguez, Luis Antonio AU - Rojo, Fernando AU - Dieste Blanco, Oliver AU - Pou Saracho, Juan María AU - Torrecillas San Millán, Ramón AU - Moya Corral, José Serafín PY - 2013 SN - 20403364 SN - 20403372 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/11093/6866 AB - Nanocomposites made of non-woven glass fibres with diameters ranging from tens of nanometers up to several micrometers, containing silver nanoparticles, were successfully fabricated by the laser spinning technique. Pellets of a soda-lime silicate... LA - eng PB - Nanoscale TI - Nanocomposites of silver nanoparticles embedded in glass nanofibres obtained by laser spinning DO - 10.1039/c3nr00638g ER -