TY - JOUR AU - Gómez Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel AU - Bellas Rivera, Roberto AU - González Gil, Arturo AU - Cacabelos Reyes, Antón AU - Larrañaga Janeiro, Ana PY - 2021 SN - 00179310 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2417 AB - In the framework of cooling technology applied to electronics, multiple setups and coolants have been used to achieve effective methods to remove high heat density fluxes. In this paper, an innovative device based on the combination of two fluids in a... LA - eng PB - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer TI - Thermal study of a passive cooling device operating through a bubble lifting CLTPT of NOVEC 7000 with a two-fluid condenser DO - 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121530 ER -