TY - JOUR AU - Torres Palenzuela, Jesus Manuel AU - González Vilas, Luís AU - Bellas Aláez, Francisco Miguel AU - Garet Fernández, María Elina AU - González Fernández, Maria Africa AU - Spyrakos, Evangelos PY - 2019 SN - 20734441 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2189 AB - The NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula is dominated by extensive shellfish farming, which places this region as a world leader in mussel production. Harmful algal blooms in the area frequent lead to lengthy harvesting closures threatening food... LA - eng PB - Water TI - Pseudo-nitzschia blooms in a coastal upwelling system: remote sensing detection, toxicity and environmental variables DO - 10.3390/w11091954 ER -