TY - JOUR AU - Calviño Barreiro, Uxía AU - Pérez Vallejo, Javier AU - Buschmann, Matthias H. AU - Fernández Seara, José AU - Lugo Latas, Luis PY - 2021 SN - 20794991 UR - http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2059 AB - The thermal properties of graphene have proved to be exceptional and are partly maintained in its multi-layered form, graphene nanoplatelets (GnP). Since these carbon-based nanostructures are hydrophobic, functionalization is needed in order to assess... LA - eng PB - Nanomaterials TI - Analysis of heat transfer characteristics of a GnP aqueous nanofluid through a double-tube heat exchanger DO - 10.3390/nano11040844 ER -