RT Journal Article T1 Coexistence of a native and an invasive mussel species across an environmental gradient: Do interactions matter? A1 Olabarría Uzquiano, Celia A1 Viejo, Rosa M. A1 Vázquez Otero, Maria Elsa K1 2401 Biología Animal (Zoología) AB Introductions of invasive species are increasing worldwide, potentially threatening biodiversity. Althoughinvasive species often displace native species by outcompeting them, coexistence between native and non-nativespecies is common in diverse communities. A field experiment investigated the interactions between the nativemussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the invasive black pygmy mussel Xenostrobus securis across an environmentalsalinity gradient in the Ria de Vigo (NW Spain). The salinity gradient strongly affected the physiological responsesof both mussel species as well as the competitive interactions between the two species. Mytilus galloprovincialishad a stronger effect on the invader than vice versa. The competition with M. galloprovincialis and therelease from predation in certain estuarine areas may in part explain the dynamics of the invader population inthe Ría de Vigo. Furthermore, results suggest that the invader may contribute positively to ecosystem functioningby increasing bentho-pelagic coupling, water-column clearance, and biodeposition of organic material in theinnermost parts of estuaries, where it reaches large abundances. These areas are likely to promote and maintainthe supply of propagules to the outermost parts, as well as favouring secondary spread along the Galician coast. PB Journal of Marine Systems SN 09247963 YR 2024 FD 2024-11 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/7465 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/7465 LA eng NO Journal of Marine Systems, 246, 104011 (2024) NO Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2014-60193-P DS Investigo RD 25-ene-2025