RT Journal Article T1 Assessment of iron-based and calcium-phosphate nanomaterials for immobilisation of potentially toxic elements in soils from a shooting range berm A1 Rodríguez Seijo, Andrés A1 Alonso Vega, Maria Flora A1 Arenas Lago, Daniel K1 2511.04 Química de Suelos K1 2303.18 Metales K1 3308.04 Ingeniería de la Contaminación AB Shooting range facilities in military areas have been indicated as a hotspot of land degradation with highcontents of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs). Currently, based on the new nanomaterials with specificcharacteristics, nanoremediation technologies are used to immobilise and to reduce the availability ofPTEs in field and laboratory conditions. In this study, the effects of nano-hydroxyapatite and/or hematiteon PTEs immobilisation (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn) in military shooting range soils were assessedthrough the measure of available and leachable forms with three single-extractions: calcium chloride(0.01M CaCl2), low molecular weight organic acids (10mM LMWOAs) and toxicity characteristicleaching procedure (TCLP). A sequential chemical extraction was used to determine the distribution ofthe PTEs in the different geochemical phases of the soils before and after the nanomaterial treatments.Results showed that the availability of PTEs decreased, especially for Pb (40-95%) and Zn (50-99%) afternanomaterial treatments. When both nanomaterial (hydroxyapatite + hematite) were combined, theimmobilisation rate improved. However, when each nanomaterial was added individually to the soils,some elements, such as, Cu or Sb, showed a slight increment of their mobilisation. The sequentialchemical extraction showed that the highest percentage of PTEs were mainly in the residual fractionbefore and after adding nanomaterials, being even higher in soils after the nanomaterial treatments.Likewise, the mobile fractions decreased after the treatment with nanomaterials. Our findings suggest thatnanoremediation techniques improve the soil conditions, but they should be used carefully to avoidmobilisation of non-target PTEs or unexpected potentially impacts for soil biota PB Journal of Environmental Management SN 03014797 YR 2020 FD 2020-08-01 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/6837 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/6837 LA eng NO Journal of Environmental Management, 267, 110640 (2020) NO Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2013-45494-R DS Investigo RD 12-feb-2025