RT Journal Article T1 Suitability assessment of an ICE-based micro-CCHP unit in different spanish climatic zones: application of an experimental model in transient simulation A1 Rey González, Guillermo David A1 Ulloa Sande, Carlos A1 Míguez Tabarés, José Luis A1 Cacabelos Reyes, Antón K1 3313 Tecnología E Ingeniería Mecánicas AB Tri-generation plants will have an important role in the near future in the residential sector where heating and cooling demands come into play throughout the year. Depending on the building’s location, the characteristics of its enclosure and its use, the thermal loads and demands will be different. This article analyses and compares a combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system tested in the laboratory and a single household located in Spain. The cooling capacity is obtained using a reversible heat pump where the compressor is driven directly by a gas engine with internal combustion engine (ICE) technology. The tests were carried out in a work bench at three different operating speeds. A variable-speed model is developed in the TRNSYS simulation environment with an operating strategy following the thermal load (FTL). Once the micro-CCHP system was modeled with experimental data and validated, it was dynamically simulated to analyze its performance in different climatic zones defined in the Spanish “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE). This study reveals that the micro-CCHP system is suitable in mild weathers during the summer season. PB Energies SN 19961073 YR 2016 FD 2016-11-20 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/6469 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/6469 LA eng NO Energies, 9(11): 969 (2016) NO Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. IDI-20111660 DS Investigo RD 25-ene-2025