RT Journal Article T1 The role of moisture transport for precipitation in the inter-annual and inter-daily fluctuations of the Arctic sea ice extension A1 Gimeno Sotelo, Luis A1 Nieto Muñiz, Raquel Olalla A1 Vázquez Domínguez, Marta A1 Gimeno Presa, Luis K1 2508.10 Precipitación K1 2501 Ciencias de la Atmósfera K1 2502 Climatología AB By considering the moisture transport for precipitation (MTP) for a targetregion to be the moisture that arrives in this region from its major moisturesources and which then results in precipitation in that region, we explore(i) whether the MTP from the main moisture sources for the Arctic region islinked with inter-annual fluctuations in the extent of Arctic sea icesuperimposed on its decline and (ii) the role of extreme MTP events in theinter-daily change in the Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) when extreme MTPsimultaneously arrives from the four main moisture regions that supply it.The results suggest (1) that ice melting at the scale of inter-annualfluctuations against the trend is favoured by an increase in moisturetransport in summer, autumn, and winter and a decrease in spring and, (2) ona daily basis, extreme humidity transport increases the formation of ice inwinter and decreases it in spring, summer, and autumn; in these three seasonsextreme humidity transport therefore contributes to Arctic sea ice melting. These patterns differsharply from that linked to the decline on a long-range scale, especially insummer when the opposite trend applies, as ice melt is favoured by a decreasein moisture transport for this season at this scale. PB Earth System Dynamics SN 21904987 YR 2019 FD 2019-02-21 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/4060 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/4060 LA eng NO Earth System Dynamics, 10(1): 121-133 (2019) NO Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CGL2015-65141-R DS Investigo RD 14-ene-2025