RT Journal Article T1 An experimental analysis of the high-cycle fatigue fracture of H13 hot forging tool steels A1 Calvo Garcia, Erik A1 Valverde Perez, Sara A1 Riveiro Rodríguez, Antonio A1 Alvarez Gonzalez, David A1 Roman Caldelas, Manuel A1 Magdalena, César A1 Badaoui Fernández, Aida A1 Moreira, Pedro A1 Comesaña Piñeiro, Rafael K1 3303.07 Tecnología de la Corrosión K1 3315.05 Talleres de Forja, laminación y Fundición Hierro y Acero K1 3312 Tecnología de Materiales AB In this study, the axial fatigue behaviour of hot forging tool steels at room temperature was investigated. Fatigue tests were performed on two steels within the same H13 specification. The fatigue tests were carried out in the high-cycle fatigue domain under normal conditions. These tests were also performed on specimens in contact with a corrosive medium, applying stress values that led to the high-cycle fatigue domain under normal conditions for the sake of comparison. Both materials showed similar fatigue strengths when they were tested under normal conditions. In contrast, corrosion fatigue lives were much lower than in normal tests and differed significantly between the two steels. Crack initiation was triggered by microstructural and surface defects in the normal tests, whereas the formation of corrosion pits caused crack initiation in the corrosion fatigue tests. Moreover, a fracture surface analysis revealed dissimilar crack propagation areas between both steels, which suggested that both steels had different fracture toughness. These results were in line with the differences observed between the carbide and grain sizes of both of the material microstructures. PB Materials SN 19961944 YR 2022 FD 2022-10-22 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/3988 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/3988 LA eng NO Materials, 15(21): 7411 (2022) NO Ministerio de Universidades | Ref. CAS21/00454 DS Investigo RD 26-ene-2025