RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Ecology and management of small-scale benthic fisheries: the stalked barnacle in Europe T2 Ecoloxía e xestión de pesqueiras bentónicas de pequena escala: o percebe en Europa A1 Aguión Tarrío, Alba K1 5102.08 Pesca K1 2401.06 Ecología Animal K1 5902.08 Política del Medio Ambiente AB Despite the undeniable importance of small-scale benthic fisheries (or S-fisheries), the models used in their management fail to incorporate the spatial heterogeneity of their targeted stocks. This has led to important depletions of S-fisheries worldwide. Taking the European stalked barnacle fisheries as the case study, the aims of this thesis were to increase the understanding of the large-scale biological heterogeneity of benthic stocks and explore models that increase the sustainability of the S-fisheries targeting them. Our work revealed regional variations in the patterns of reproduction and recruitment of the stalked barnacle, potentially driven by the variability of environmental factors like air and sea surface temperature. We found that co-managed and participatory models that grant access rights to fishers are key to distinguish between regions where the fishery is sustainable from those where it is not. Our work demonstrates that is not the mere presence of governance elements like co-management but their level of implementation that drives sustainability. Through the development of a spatial bioeconomic model for the stalked barnacle fishery, our work also demonstrates that in S-fisheries where to harvest is as important as high much to harvest. The delimitation of zones at local levels based on the quality of the resource (and thus, of different profitability) on where to establish adaptive closures based on market demands were proved to better support fishers’ livelihoods in comparison to a non-spatial harvest. LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/3533 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/3533 LA eng DS Investigo RD 12-feb-2025