RT conferenceObject T1 Flexible and highly scalable LiDAR for an FMCW LiDAR PIC based on Grating Couplers A1 Voskerchyan, Vahram A1 Tian, Yu A1 Soares, Francisco M. A1 Díaz Otero, Francisco Javier A2 IEEE K1 3325 Tecnología de las Telecomunicaciones K1 3307 Tecnología Electrónica K1 3307.01 Antenas AB In this paper three types of Silicon Photonics OPA architectures are proposed and investigated. Edge-fire optical phased array, that simplifies the design of the OPA. Second architecture is OPA with grating coupler antennas. Maximum steering angle for edge-fire OPA is ±44°, FWHM is 0.10986°. For GC OPA steering angle is ±20° and FWHM=1.003116°. Third architecture is the Slanted Grating Coupler with a FOV of 100° SN 9781665412766 YR 2021 FD 2021 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/3163 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/3163 LA eng DS Investigo RD 24-ene-2025