RT Journal Article T1 Effectiveness of a collaborative platform for the mastery of competencies in the distance learning modality during COVID-19 A1 Domínguez Lloria, Sara A1 Fernández Aguayo, Sara A1 Marín Marín, José Antonio A1 Alvariñas Villaverde, Mirian K1 5802 Organización y Planificación de la Educación K1 5803.02 Preparación de Profesores K1 1203.10 Enseñanza Con Ayuda de Ordenador AB The need to adapt to new learning scenarios due to the impact of COVID-19 on our education system is undeniable. This fact means that we must adapt teaching to non-face-to-face scenarios in order to adapt the teaching processes without the students losing the acquisition of competences. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a digital application for the development of competences of primary education undergraduate students in a non-face-to-face teaching context derived from the pandemic through a service-learning project. To achieve this objective, a specific programme was designed using a collaborative platform. Numerous instruments were used to assess the acquisition of basic, specific, general and transversal competences. On a quantitative level, the Teamworks Skills Questionnaire and an evaluation rubric were used, and on a qualitative level, a student field diary, a survey to measure satisfaction and an observational record were used. The main results show that after the implementation of the use of the platform, both the level of competence of the students and their satisfaction with the project were very high and that the impact on their training was very positive. Among the main conclusions, we highlight that the use of this type of platform allows students to acquire competences in non-classroom contexts. On the other hand, we conclude that training in the use of digital tools in initial teacher training is necessary for good professional performance. On the other hand, this experience allowed future teachers to realise the need to master new technologies in order to be able to adapt to the new needs that different educational scenarios pose in the information society. PB Sustainability SN 20711050 YR 2021 FD 2021-05-23 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2766 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2766 LA eng NO Sustainability, 13(11): 5854 (2021) NO Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. EDU2017-82629-R DS Investigo RD 16-feb-2025