RT Journal Article T1 Phytotoxic effects of three natural compounds: pelargonic acid, carvacrol, and cinnamic aldehyde, against problematic weeds in Mediterranean crops A1 Muñoz, Marta A1 Torres Pagán, Natalia A1 Peiró, Rosa A1 Guijarro, Rubén A1 Sánchez Moreiras, Adela Maria A1 Verdeguer, Mercedes K1 3101.06 Herbicidas K1 3103.15 Control de Malezas K1 2417 Biología Vegetal (Botánica) AB Weeds and herbicides are important stress factors for crops. Weeds are responsible for great losses in crop yields, more than 50% in some crops if left uncontrolled. Herbicides have been used as the main method for weed control since their development after the Second World War. It is necessary to find alternatives to synthetic herbicides that can be incorporated in an Integrated Weed Management Program, to produce crops subjected to less stress in a more sustainable way. In this work, three natural products: pelargonic acid (PA), carvacrol (CV), and cinnamic aldehyde (CA) were evaluated, under greenhouse conditions in postemergence assays, against problematic weeds in Mediterranean crops Amaranthus retroflexus, Avena fatua, Portulaca oleracea, and Erigeron bonariensis, to determine their phytotoxic potential. The three products showed a potent herbicidal activity, reaching high efficacy (plant death) and damage level in all species, being PA the most effective at all doses applied, followed by CA and CV. These products could be good candidates for bioherbicides formulations. PB Agronomy SN 20734395 YR 2020 FD 2020-06-02 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2398 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2398 LA eng NO Agronomy, 10(6): 791 (2020) DS Investigo RD 08-feb-2025