RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Impacto dun programa de adestramento neuromuscular no equilíbrio postural en adultos novos activos A1 Cerqueira Gonçalves, Carla Sofia K1 5801 Teoría y Métodos Educativos K1 2406.04 Biomecánica K1 2411.06 Fisiología del Ejercicio AB There are many moments of daily life, of work and also of sport in which the individual is subject to imbalances and instabilities, simply because almost all the terrain is irregular/unstable, requiring the constant realization of forces and adaptations by the individual for safety in carrying out their tasks, movements or training (Behm & Anderson, 2006). Training with unstable materials is based on exercises where balance and proprioception are challenged. On unstable surfaces the individual needs a greater activation of the muscles of the lower limbs and the core to recover the balance disturbed by the unstable surface (Behm & Anderson, 2006) and is referred in literature as an important training in the prevention and treatment of injuries (Page, 1998; Bernier & Perrin, 1998; Lee et al., 2006; Zech et al. ,2010), and in the athletic performance (Yaggie & Campbell, 2006; Behm et al., 2005; Kean et al., 2006; Anderson & Behm 2004).The Bosu® Balance Trainer is an unstable platform with two surfaces (dome and platform) created by the need to explore integrated muscle work by challenging the connection between the brain, muscles and nerve connections during athletic or leisure training. It consists of a versatile and frequently used platform in the area of Fitness and Rehabilitation, the focus of interest of some scientific studies, although few mainly in Portugal. In this sense, it is important to study the impact of the application of a training program with Bosu® Balance Trainer on postural balance, strength and neuromuscular recruitment in young active adults, university students of the course of sport. YR 2021 FD 2021-06-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2245 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2245 LA por DS Investigo RD 12-feb-2025