RT Journal Article T1 Pseudo-nitzschia blooms in a coastal upwelling system: remote sensing detection, toxicity and environmental variables A1 Torres Palenzuela, Jesus Manuel A1 González Vilas, Luís A1 Bellas Aláez, Francisco Miguel A1 Garet Fernández, María Elina A1 González Fernández, Maria Africa A1 Spyrakos, Evangelos K1 2412 Inmunología K1 2417.05 Biología Marina K1 2510.01 Oceanografía Biológica AB The NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula is dominated by extensive shellfish farming, which places this region as a world leader in mussel production. Harmful algal blooms in the area frequent lead to lengthy harvesting closures threatening food security. This study developed a framework for the detection of Pseudo-nitzschia blooms in the Galician rias from satellite data (MERIS full-resolution images) and identified key variables that affect their abundance and toxicity. Two events of toxin-containing Pseudo-nitzschia were detected (up to 2.5 μg L−1 pDA) in the area. This study suggests that even moderate densities of Pseudo-nitzschia in this area might indicate high toxin content. Empirical models for particulate domoic acid (pDA) were developed based on MERIS FR data. The resulting remote-sensing model, including MERIS bands centered around 510, 560, and 620 nm explain 73% of the pDA variance (R2 = 0.73, p < 0.001). The results show that higher salinity values and lower Si(OH)4/N ratios favour higher Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundances. High pDA values seem to be associated with relatively high PO43, low NO3− concentrations, and low Si(OH)4/N. While MERIS FR data and regionally specific algorithms can be useful for detecting Pseudo-nitzschia blooms, nutrient relationships are crucial for predicting the toxicity of these blooms. PB Water SN 20734441 YR 2019 FD 2019-09-19 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2189 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2189 LA eng NO Water, 11(9): 1954 (2019) NO European Commission DS Investigo RD 23-ene-2025