RT Journal Article T1 Socio‐economic groups moving apart: an analysis of recent trends in residential segregation in Australia's main capital cities A1 Azpitarte Raposeiras, Francisco A1 Alonso Villar, Maria Olga A1 Hugo Rojas, Felipe K1 6114 Psicología Social K1 6114.10 Interacción de Grupos K1 53 Ciencias Económicas AB We study changes in the spatial distribution and segregation of socio‐economic groups in Australia using a new data set with harmonised census data for 1991 and 2011. We find a general increase in residential segregation by education and occupation groups across the major capital cities in Australia. Importantly, these trends cannot be explained in general by changes in the demographic structure of groups and areas but rather by the rise in the over and underrepresentation of groups across areas. In particular, our analysis reveals clear diverging trends in the spatial configuration of high and low socio‐economic groups as measured by their occupation and education. Whereas high‐skilled groups became more concentrated in the inner parts of cities, the low‐educated and those working in low‐status occupations became increasingly overrepresented in outer areas. This pattern is observed in all five major capital cities, but it is especially marked in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. PB Population Space and Place SN 15448444 YR 2021 FD 2021-01-14 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2163 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2163 LA eng NO Population Space and Place, 27(3): e2399 (2021) NO Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. ECO2017-82241-R DS Investigo RD 12-feb-2025