RT Journal Article T1 Comparison of Spa choice between wellness tourists and healthcare/medical tourists A1 Pelegrín Borondo, Jorge A1 Araújo Vila, Noelia A1 Fraiz Brea, José Antonio K1 5312.90 Economía Sectorial: Turismo K1 3212 Salud Publica AB Spa tourism is considered one of the most important segments of the $639 billion wellness market. The literature refers to two types of spa tourists: wellness tourists and healthcare/medical tourists. However, virtually no studies have compared spa choice models between these two segments. The present study uses the Cognitive-Affective-Normative (CAN) model to compare the variables that explain purchase intention in relation to spas between the two segments. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to a sample of 810 potential Spanish spa-goers, and consistent partial least squares (PLSc) structural equation modeling (SEM) was used. Contrary to what might be expected, no major differences were found between the spa choice models for wellness tourists and for healthcare/medical tourists. The results show that R2 and Q2 were similar for both models. The most influential variable was performance expectancy, and differences were only found in the influence of the pleasure variable. PB Healthcare SN 22279032 YR 2020 FD 2020-12-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1890 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1890 LA eng NO Healthcare, 8(4): 544 (2020) DS Investigo RD 17-feb-2025