RT Journal Article T1 Development of a transient model of a lightweight, portable and flexible air-based PV-T module for UAV shelter hangars A1 Orgeira Crespo, Pedro A1 Ulloa Sande, Carlos A1 Nuñez Ortuño, Jose Maria A1 Pérez García, José Antonio K1 1203.04 Inteligencia Artificial K1 3311.18 Instrumentos Termoestáticos K1 3301.04 Aeronaves AB This research paper introduces a mathematical model to predict the performance of photovoltaic–thermal systems (PV-T), based on a thin layer flexible panel and an air pipe, by using the Trnsys® software tool to simulate energetic systems. The main advantage of these types of panels is their easy portability, making them ideal to address thermal needs in several scenarios. In the military field, there is an important concern about the use of sustainable energy; for instance, cooling facilities for infantry tents used in their deployments. In this research, a PV-T panel to cover electrical power needs for an infantry’s hangar unmanned air vehicle (UAV) is introduced. The proposed thermal model, based on the novelty of inertial mass (lump) as an approach to real panel behavior, has been validated through the comparison between Trnsys’ model simulation data, a real weather station, and data obtained in a test bed. Genopt’s simulation software is used to fit the model, allowing for the prediction of heat transmission coefficient values. The good match between simulated and experimental data makes the proposed model suitable for the photovoltaic–thermal prediction of panel behavior. PB Energies SN 19961073 YR 2020 FD 2020-06-05 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1832 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1832 LA eng NO Energies, 13(11): 2889 (2020) DS Investigo RD 19-ene-2025