RT Journal Article T1 Characterization of profiles as management strategies based on the importance and valuation that users give to the elements of the golf courses A1 Serrano Gomez, Virginia A1 García García, Óscar A1 Gambau i Pinasa, Vicente A1 Rial Boubeta, Antonio K1 6114.06 Comportamiento del Consumidor K1 2411.06 Fisiología del Ejercicio AB The main objective of this study was to characterize golfers’ profiles based on the importance and valuation that users give to the elements of golf courses, considering the segmentation as key to making strategic decisions. This was done using a priori segmentation of the traditional style against a post hoc segmentation based on the importance that users concede to variability of elements of golf courses. Moreover, the relationship between the quality attributed to the service dimensions and the golf course global performance was examined for each of the obtained segments. The results have established certain specific characteristics of the typical golf user and two large segments of golfers were identified from Cluster Analysis (Competitives and Socials), they were made up of the following subgroups: Regular-leisure and business and matures-familiar. The causal analysis of covariance structures for each segment revealed partially different interests. This study provides useful information for managers to design management strategies that address the different characteristics, interests, and priorities of their customers and potential customers in order to win them, keep them, satisfy them, and build their loyalty, ensuring the development and sustainability of the entity. PB Sustainability SN 20711050 YR 2020 FD 2020-06-11 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1818 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1818 LA eng NO Sustainability, 12(11): 4781 (2020) DS Investigo RD 25-ene-2025