RT Journal Article T1 Thermal and physical characterization of PEG phase change materials enhanced by carbon-based nanoparticles A1 Cabaleiro Álvarez, David A1 Hamze, Samah A1 Fal, Jacek A1 Marcos Millán, Marco A1 Estellé, Patrice A1 Żyła, Gaweł K1 2213.02 Física de la Transmisión del Calor K1 2210.18 Física del Estado Liquido K1 2303.12 Grafito AB This paper presents the preparation and thermal/physical characterization of phase change materials (PCMs) based on poly(ethylene glycol) 400 g·mol−1 and nano-enhanced by either carbon black (CB), a raw graphite/diamond nanomixture (G/D-r), a purified graphite/diamond nanomixture (G/D-p) or nano-Diamond nanopowders with purity grades of 87% or 97% (nD87 and nD97, respectively). Differential scanning calorimetry and oscillatory rheology experiments were used to provide an insight into the thermal and mechanical changes taking place during solid-liquid phase transitions of the carbon-based suspensions. PEG400-based samples loaded with 1.0 wt.% of raw graphite/diamond nanomixture (G/D-r) exhibited the lowest sub-cooling effect (with a reduction of ~2 K regarding neat PEG400). The influences that the type of carbon-based nanoadditive and nanoparticle loading (0.50 and 1.0 wt.%) have on dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, density and surface tension were also investigated in the temperature range from 288 to 318 K. Non-linear rheological experiments showed that all dispersions exhibited a non-Newtonian pseudo-plastic behavior, which was more noticeable in the case of carbon black nanofluids at low shear rates. The highest enhancements in thermal conductivity were observed for graphite/diamond nanomixtures (3.3–3.6%), while nano-diamond suspensions showed the largest modifications in density (0.64–0.66%). Reductions in surface tension were measured for the two nano-diamond nanopowders (nD87 and nD97), while slight increases (within experimental uncertainties) were observed for dispersions prepared using the other three carbon-based nanopowders. Finally, a good agreement was observed between the experimental surface tension measurements performed using a Du Noüy ring tensiometer and a drop-shape analyzer. PB Nanomaterials SN 20794991 YR 2020 FD 2020-06-15 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1817 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1817 LA eng NO Nanomaterials, 10(6): 1168 (2020) NO EU COST | Ref. COST-STSM-CA15119-42918 DS Investigo RD 23-ene-2025