RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 On the translation of verse form. Shakespeare's sonnets into Spanish T2 Sobre la traducción del verso. Los Sonetos de Shakespeare en español A1 Fernández Escudero, Tanya Elena K1 5701.13 Lingüística Aplicada a la Traducción E Interpretación K1 5701.12 Traducción K1 5701.07 Lengua y Literatura AB This work deals with the translation of the poetic form from a corpus of 69 Spanish translations of Shakespeare's Sonnets published between 1877 (when the first translation appeared) and 2018. The study addresses mainly three aspects of this subject, namely the metatranslational discourse in translatorial prefaces on issues concerning the translation of form, which are generally based on the recurrence of certain topoi or ‘translation memes’ (Chesterman, 1996, 1997); the translation of the outer form or macroestructure of the sonnets, taking as a point of departure Holmes’ classification of the ‘metapoem’ forms, as well as the mechanisms of repetition in the translated poems (mainly anaphora, parallelism and alliteration); and, lastly, it provides a rationale on the translation process of formal poetry based on translation as recreation and built on the interpretations of the results obtained in the previous chapters and the discourse on poetry translation found in scholarly papers. The issues addressed, then, could be summarised in three questions regarding the translation of poetic form: What do the translators say? what do they do? and how do they do it? YR 2021 FD 2021-01-21 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1709 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1709 LA eng DS Investigo RD 05-dic-2024