RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Modelling and numerical approach of aortic valve stages: healthy, stenotic and transcatheter replaced (TAVI)  T2 Modelización y aproximación numérica de las etapas de la válvula aórtica: sana, estenótica y recambiada de forma percutánea (TAVI) A1 Loureiro Garcia, Marcos K1 3205.01 Cardiología K1 1203.26 Simulación K1 12 Matemáticas AB The aortic valve is a structure located in the left ventricle outflow tract which ensures the unidirectional blood flow. With the final scope of the assessment of its behaviour, numerical simulation can be used. Possible diseases can be also treated using this technique, something which could contribute to clinical decisions. Along this doctoral thesis, the numerical simulation of a healthy and diseased aortic valve will be treated. The selected disease is the aortic stenosis which is the most common. Then the numerical simulation of some recent devices which can treat this disease is also proposed as an objective. YR 2021 FD 2021-01-12 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1670 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1670 LA eng NO Xunta de Galicia - IN606A-2017/029 DS Investigo RD 17-feb-2025