RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 The economics of eSports: elements that affect performance T2 A economía dos eSports: elementos que afectan o rendemento A1 Parshakov, Petr K1 Teoría de juegos AB Computer and video games are becoming more and more popular. The development of the Internet and gaming software involve many people in this industry. Ten years ago, video games competitions were organized mostly between amateurs, but now it has become professional (Tassi 2012). The growing popularity of competitive computer gaming (eSports) has caused an increase in the number of gamers and in the rewards given as prizes. Despite this fact, there are a few studies which analyze the economics of eSports. Our goal is to analyze features of eSports that have been extensively studied with regard to traditional sports. The main research question is whether the economics of eSports are the same as traditional sports or if the unique character of eSports leads to different insights about the economics of the competition. We use unique data, which is available in eSports, to analyze the issues which are interesting both for sport economists and researchers in other fields of economics to analyze general economic issues in the context of eSports. YR 2019 FD 2019-11-13 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1366 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1366 LA eng DS Investigo RD 17-feb-2025