RT conferenceObject T1 Crack detection by TV holography: continuous and pulsed techniques A1 Blanco García, Jesús A1 Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel A1 Fernández Álvarez, Antonio A1 Vázquez Dorrío, José Benito A1 López Vázquez, José Carlos A1 Soto Costas, Ramón Francisco A1 Alén de la Torre, José María A1 Fernández Fernández, José Luis A1 Perez-Martinez Perez-Amor, Mariano Jesus K1 3311.11 Instrumentos Opticos K1 2209.07 Holografía K1 2201.11 Vibraciones AB Two TV-holographic techniques to detect cracks in mechanical elements are demonstrated. One of them employs continuous illumination and is based in the modal analysis of the part. The other one consists in the study by pulsed TV-holography of transient waves induced in the part. YR 1996 FD 1996-02-05 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1249 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1249 LA eng NO Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología | Ref. TAP-263/93 DS Investigo RD 23-ene-2025