RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Phytotoxic potential of species from the Atlantic shrubland for weed control T2 Potencial fitotóxico del matorral Atlántico para el control de arvenses A1 Pardo Muras, María K1 3103.15 Control de Malezas K1 2417.19 Fisiología Vegetal K1 5312.01 Agricultura, Silvicultura, Pesca AB Weeds are the major problem in world agriculture because they cause losses in crop yields. Therefore, farmers have increased herbicide use. However, the intensive use of synthetic herbicides may threaten sustainable agricultural production and has resulted in serious environmental problems together to the development of weed resistance. That is why other techniques based on natural products to control weeds are being developed, because of the great diversity and novelty of their formulas, the potential specificity of their biological action, and also by the reduced probability of producing harmful accumulations and harmful waste in water and soil. One of the important benefits of the chemical composition and structural features of natural products are their lack of "unnatural" ring structures, the low amount of heavy atoms and that most of these compounds are rapidly degraded in the environment, thus having little or no impact. Furthermore, natural phytotoxins usually act at various different target points than the conventional herbicides, presenting many different modes of action which prevents the development of resistances. For these reasons, Allelopathy, based in the release from plants of secondary metabolites by volatilization, exudation and lixiviation from vegetal tissues, offers new possibilities for weed control. The main objective of this PhD project is to test the phytotoxic activity of several species of the Atlantic shrubland on the germination and growth of weeds, to select the more active materials and compounds for their use as natural herbicides. YR 2019 FD 2019-04-12 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1233 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1233 LA eng NO Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2016-78660-R DS Investigo RD 12-feb-2025