RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Atmospheric moisture transport : the bridge between ocean evaporation and hydrological extremes in major tropical river basins T2 Transporte de humedad atmosférica : puente entre la evaporación oceánica y extremos hidrológicos en las principales cuencas fluviales tropicales A1 Sorí Gómez, Rogert K1 22 Física K1 23 Química K1 12 Matemáticas AB It is known that droughts and floods are the result of the complex process of g the water cycle balance on the planet. Specifically, atmospheric water vapor is not only an important element as an initial state of precipitation but also plays an important role in the hydrological and thermal cycle of the climate system. Oceanic evaporation is a very important element if we considers that on the evaporated water from planet, from the surface of the ocean represents the 84% (Oki, 2005) and its role is decisive in continental precipitation (Gimeno et al., 2010). The increase in global evaporation is evident (Yu, 2007), while the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2001) reported that the water cycle has a marked change in the state of climate change. Precisely one of the climate change "hotpots" on the oceans is the increase in oceanic evaporation due to the sea surface temperature increases and surface wind speed in some regions of the planet.The hydrological cycle can be assumed to starts in oceanic regions, where the rate of evaporation generally exceeds precipitation, hence the oceans represent a source of moisture that is transported through the atmosphere to the continents, which are moisture sinks. Thus, contributing to Rivers, groundwater and other systems like discharge water back into the ocean, completing the hydrological cycle (Gimeno et al., 2012).To this point, the main sources of oceanic and continental moisture have been identified for important tropical river basins such as the Congo, Niger, Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra and the Negro and Madeira basins in the Amazon region. Their role in the contribution to precipitation and during dry and wet extremes in these basins has been investigated. The objective of this last Annual Research Plan (PAI) is the writing of the Thesis in which all the results obtained so far will be presented. There will be an introduction where an update of the state of the art will be provided, a description of the methods and techniques implemented will be made and finally the discussion and conclusion of the main results and the future research lines. YR 2019 FD 2019-01-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1112 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1112 LA eng NO Xunta de Galicia. Plan galego de investigación, innovación e crecemento 2011-2015 | Ref. Plan I2C DS Investigo RD 07-feb-2025