RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 The role of managerial cognitive reasoning on the internationalization decision-making of small ventures T2 El papel de la intuición en las decisiones internacionales de las pequeñas y medianas empresas recientemente internacionalizadas A1 Vlacic, Bozidar K1 5311 Organización y Dirección de Empresas K1 5310.09 Relaciones Comerciales Internacionales K1 6109.05 Comportamiento en la Organización AB This doctoral thesis synthesizes decision making theory,internationalization theory and managerial cognitive approaches to providefurther explanation of heterogeneous internationalization patterns of smallventures (SV´s).This research has used a structural equation model in the first stage anda grounding theory approach in the second stage to assess the relationshipbetween the components of managerial cognitive reasoning (CR, hereafter)(Experiential and Rational) as explanatory variables of the internationalizationintentions and process of the decision making –perception, options,evaluation, choice–. First part of this model has been tested in a representativesample of 134 “future entrepreneurs” namely University students underextreme conditions while the second part of the model has been tested oninternational SVs in the context of the managerial cognitive reasoninginfluence on internationalization decision-making process (IDMP, hereafter).The consideration of individual-level cognitive aspects and role of cognitionfrom the field on neuroeconomics as an element of the internationalizationdecision-making process is an original aspect of this research.Chapter one summarises the research problem, the interest of researchtopics and the research objectives. It is included the justification thatencourages research and interest in the intersection of cognitive reasoning,decision-making theory and internationalization process theory, from theempirical point of view for academic and practitioners’ implications.Considering the research problem, chapter two comprises the relevantfindings from the literature regarding the CR supplement to the IDMP as aframework for this research. It is included a literature review of the researchtopics, following a model of a systematic review of relevant literature. Theliterature review has been divided into three subsections: (a) A review of thetypology of internationalization process, with attention to managerialdecision-making importance; (b) A review of the main components of acognitive system theory in terms of decision making; (c) Finally, theapplication of the Dual-Process theory to SV´s IDMP, followed by conclusionsfor the research aim.Chapter three concrete the scope of the CR on the first stage of IDMPspecifically internationalization intentions. There, the model and hypotheses to be tested are introduced. The proposed indicators for each element ofCognitive Systems (System X - Experiential; System C - Rational) and formeasuring internationalization intentions among” future entrepreneurs” arealso detailed. Following the importance of IDMP under the interactive effectof the two-cognitive reasoning, namely experiential and rational while makingdecisions regarding speed, scope, and breath of internationalization.The empirical test of the model is included in Chapter four, to furtherinvestigate the importance of CR among” future entrepreneurs” internationalintentions. In the second subsection of this chapter is outlined a qualitativeapproach to further investigate the importance of cognitive reasoning amongthe small venture managers regarding the internationalization processthrough the Dual-Process theory. The methodological procedure leads to thenext chapter, for building the final specification of the structural equationsystem and grounding approach to the finally proposed internationalizationdecision-making framework.In Chapter Five is detailed step-by-step statistical tests performed,including a discussion of results obtained in the process internationalizationregarding the cognitive predominance among SV´s managers. It also includesthe results for the contrast of the six hypotheses tested.The main challenges faced in the heterogeneous internationalizationtopic were the intersections between both modes of cognitive reasoning, aswell as the need for bringing out the linkages between the components of theneuroeconomics to internationalization decision making framework. From themicro level of how the behavior of the individual could explain theheterogeneous SV´s internationalization behavior. Derived from the results,one could argue that the CR plays a significant role in SV´s IDMP areembedded in the inborn managerial structure, the importance of environment,perceived social norms and levels of behavioral contours. In the SV´s, theinterrelationships between components of the CR seem to have a notable rolein explaining its IDMP.Concerning the theory of CR and IDMP, the existence of someremarkable relations between their components to explain the heterogeneousbehavior of SV´s are highlighted. In view of accepted and not acceptedhypotheses, it seems that the starting point is the CR predominance amongmanagers to create initial internationalization intention which later leadstoward the how’s and whys to perform internationalization. There is notenough evidence to support the hypothesis that CR is directly related to the internationalization intention, if not through perceived behavioral control(PBC) (primarily), perceived social norms (PSN) and attitude toward thebehavior (ATB) (lesser extent) adopted from Ajzen (1991) Theory of PlannedBehavior. Furthermore, there is evidence that CR plays a notable role in theinternationalization opportunity perception, creation of battery of options,evaluation of selected option and making the final choice.In Chapter Six implications from conducted studies are detailed andelevated to overall implications for theory as well the practitioners. Namely,the process of internationalization decision-making parallels the psychologicalprocess: managers are to recognize what the strategic problem is to generate abattery of options and choose the one that yields higher satisfactory levels ofexpected results. The importance of cognitive reasoning as an enhancementfor internationalization decision-making under circumstances of elevateduncertainty and low supportive environment provides evidence of cognitiveimportance for positioning managerial cognitive reasoning as an antecedentof internationalization decision-making framework. Furthermore, sinceinternationalization is a key aspect for SV´s survival, and there are observedlack of intentionality to internationalize under high uncertainty and riskperception, decision-makers are supposed to develop the capability oflearning and adopting expertise during the process of internationalizationthrough the trial and error approach in order to pursue internationalization.Chapter Seven provides the final conclusion obtained through theempirical studies as well the notable limitations and promising researchavenues. It is noted that the decision-maker cognitive reasoning intervenes incase that perception of markets validity is different between the host anddomestic markets. The individual’s interpretation of environmentaldifferences in terms of ability to maintain the international behavior chosenunder control based on the knowledge available ex-ante. The overall level ofperceived control plays a role in internationalization process and fostered bydecision-maker cognitive predominance guides the internationalizationacceleration. YR 2018 FD 2018-09-03 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1046 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/1046 LA eng NO Erasmus Mundus | Ref. 551984-EM-1-2014-1-ES-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21 DS Investigo RD 12-dic-2024