About Investigo

  • What is Investigo?
  • Investigo is an institutional repository that collects, disseminates and preserves the research output of the University of Vigo, reflected in the articles, books, chapters or parts from books, theses and documents derived from congresses and scientific meetings elaborated by the research staff of the university.

  • What is an institutional repository?
  • According to the “Evaluation Guide of Institutional Research Repositories”, a repository is a "set of services offered by universities or research centres to the members of its community in order to compile, manage, disseminate and preserve its digital research output by means of an organised collection, with open access and interoperability".

  • What is "scientific output"?
  • It could be defined as the set of scientific literature of diverse types that gathers the research activity of the research groups and the research staff from the University of Vigo.

  • What are the aims of Investigo?
  • Its main purpose is to disseminate and to increase the visibility of the scientific output of the University of Vigo, by making it freely accessible via internet. Secondly, it has the purpose of ensuring the preservation of that output over time.

  • Where does the name Investigo come from?
  • The name was chosen after an ideas competition was held among the members of the university's community in the months of April and May of 2012. The competition's terms contemplated as a requisite to meet by the winner name its originality, its euphonious nature, its easiness of memorisation and its degree of connection with the purpose of the repository or with the "open access" movement.

  • What are the contents of Investigo?
  • It is a research repository linked to the scientific output evaluation processes in the University of Vigo. According to this, Investigo collects the articles, books, chapters/parts of books, documents derived from congresses and scientific meetings, and the doctoral dissertations produced by the research staff of the university.

  • How is Investigo organised?
  • Investigo is organised around the type of document. It consists of four collections: articles, books (and parts of books), documents from congresses, and doctoral dissertations. In turn, these collections may have several types of content such as, for example, the collection of articles that includes two types of contents: articles and reviews.

  • Who can deposit documents in Investigo?
  • The teaching and research staff (PDI) of the University of Vigo. To do this, you must have an e-mail account in the @uvigo.gal domain that allows you to identify yourself to access. Theses are deposited by the Postgraduate Studies Management Service with prior authorization from the authors.

  • Do all of the contents of Investigo have its full text?
  • No. While most of the contents have open access to a full text version, the repository also includes works that, due to the transfer of intellectual property rights to any third party (for example, commercial publishers) or other legal reasons, do not offer open access to them. In such case Investigo offers open access to the bibliographic references (metadata) of the works.

  • What is metadata?
  • From a practical point of view it can be defined as the data that describes the items of the repository in order to make easier its retrieval, authentication, preservation and interoperability.

  • Who can view and download the contents stored in Investigo?
  • Any person with access to the internet can access and use Investigo, although the possibilities of accessing the full text depend on the access rights allocated to each document depending on the attributions of its intellectual property rights.

  • Who manages Investigo?
  • The development and management of Investigo has been entrusted to the University Library. Should any queries arise regarding the repository you can contact us at investigo@uvigo.gal.