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dc.contributor.authorKali, Yassine
dc.contributor.authorSaad, Maarouf
dc.contributor.authorDoval Gandoy, Jesús 
dc.contributor.authorRodas, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorBenjelloun, Khalid
dc.identifier.citationIET Electric Power Applications, 13(11): 1660-1671 (2019)spa
dc.description.abstractThis study deals with the problem of controlling rotor speed and stator currents of an asymmetrical six-phase induction machine with uncertain dynamics, disturbances, and unmeasurable rotor currents and proposes a robust non-linear variable structure controller. First of all, an outer control loop based on a proportional–integral regulator is performed to control the rotor speed and to construct the desired stator current references. Then, the inner loop is performed based on the proposed method that combines the time delay estimation method and discrete sliding mode control based on exponential reaching law. This structure allows an accurate and simple estimation of uncertainties and rotor currents, a high-tracking precision, a convergence of the stator currents to their known desired references in finite-time and chattering reduction. The design procedure is detailed step by step and the stability analysis and the convergence time are established for the current closedloop system. Experimental work was carried out on an asymmetrical six-phase induction motor drive to show the effectiveness and performance of the proposed robust non-linear discrete method. The results obtained highlighted the good tracking performance of the stator currentsen
dc.publisherIET Electric Power Applicationsspa
dc.rights© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
dc.titleDiscrete sliding mode control based on exponential reaching law and time delay estimation for an asymmetrical six‐phase induction machine driveen
dc.publisher.departamentoTecnoloxía electrónicaspa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionApplied Power Electronics Technology (Tecnoloxía Electrónica de Potencia Aplicada)spa
dc.subject.unesco3307 Tecnología Electrónicaspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=IET Electric Power Applications|volume=13|journal_number=11|start_pag=1660|end_pag=1671spa

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