Evolución de hábitos saludables en estudiantes universitarios en ciencias del deporte
IDENTIFICADOR UNIVERSAL: http://hdl.handle.net/11093/6719
VERSIÓN EDITADA: https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/article/view/83313
Estudios recientes indican que en el paso de la adolescencia a los primeros años de la adultez registra un descenso de los niveles de actividad física y adquisición de estilos de vida poco saludables. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la evolución de hábitos saludables a lo largo de tres años en el Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Un total de 251 estudiantes (76.9% hombres) participaron en este estudio longitudinal de tres años (91, 85 y 75 estudiantes durante el primero, segundo y tercer año respectivamente). Se realizó un análisis de varianza (ANOVA), estratificado por sexo, y un enfoque estadístico de regresión múltiple para cada año estudiado. Los datos confirman que los estudiantes durante el primer curso realizan menos AF y pasaron más tiempo sentados que los siguientes dos cursos académicos. Se registra un aumento en el consumo de alcohol y tabaco desde el primer año a los siguientes. El alumnado evaluado fue menos sedentario, y su AF aumentó a lo largo de los tres cursos, pero se ha registrado el aumento del consumo de tabaco, bebidas alcohólicas y de otras drogas.
Abstract. Recent research has indicated that from adolescence to adulthood, people show a decline on the amount of physical activity performed and they tend to adopt an unhealthy lifestyle. Consequently, this research aims at analysing the evolution of the healthy habits showed by undergraduate students in sports sciences during three years. A total of 251 students (76.9% men), took part in this three-year longitudinal study (91, 85 and 75 students during the first, second and third year respectively). An analysis of variance (ANOVA), stratified by gender, and a multiple regression statistical approach for each year studied, were carried out. The data indicates that during the first year, students perform less physical activity and show a greater sitting time, than during the following two academic years. An increase in alcohol and tobacco consumption is observed from the first year onwards. The group of students analysed was less sedentary, and the amount of physical performed by them increased during the three academic years. An increased tobacco, alcohol consumption as well as an increased drug use, was observed. Recent research has indicated that from adolescence to adulthood, people show a decline on the amount ofphysical activity performed and they tend to adopt an unhealthy lifestyle. Consequently, this research aims at analysing theevolution of the healthy habits showed by undergraduate students in sports sciences during three years. A total of 251 students(76.9% men), took part in this three-year longitudinal study (91, 85 and 75 students during the first, second and third yearrespectively). An analysis of variance (ANOVA), stratified by gender, and a multiple regression statistical approach for eachyear studied, were carried out. The data indicates that during the first year, students perform less physical activity and show agreater sitting time, than during the following two academic years. An increase in alcohol and tobacco consumption isobserved from the first year onwards. The group of students analysed was less sedentary, and the amount of physicalperformed by them increased during the three academic years. An increased tobacco, alcohol consumption as well as anincreased drug use, was observed