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dc.contributor.authorUlloa Sande, Carlos 
dc.contributor.authorArce Fariña, María Elena 
dc.contributor.authorRey González, Guillermo David 
dc.contributor.authorMíguez Tabarés, José Luis 
dc.contributor.authorHernández, José
dc.identifier.citationEnergies, 10(6): 820 (2017)spa
dc.description.abstractIt is thought that there are 14 million standardised sea containers out of order, equal to 23.3 million twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU), which could be devoted for other purposes. The COR-TEN steel containers are the best, due to the features of the materials, to be used in applications intended for the accommodation of people. One of the uses is framed in the area of humanitarian help, as service modules in areas of social emergency. Moreover, the deployment of these kinds of modules is quite simple, as the Army is generally able to transport containers in its units. In this project we have selected three typologies of service modules and we have designed modules based on sea containers which can fit into these typologies. The container chosen to be recycled is the 1 TEU, to which the closings and divisions are defined, which must reflect the different typologies of the service modules chosen. Afterwards, a study of thermal charges is carried out on three different settings of service modules located in five locations spread in different climate areas. Throughout a thermal simulation in Trnsys® (V17, Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC, Madison, WI, USA), the consumption and maximum demand of heat and cold are analysed. Based on these results, the best equipment to cover the energy demand of the modules analysed in this study could be chosen. Moreover, the results can be used to estimate the operational costs of the deployment of the modules.en
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titleRecycling COR-TEN® sea containers into service modules for military applications: thermal analysisen
dc.publisher.departamentoEnxeñaría mecánica, máquinas e motores térmicos e fluídosspa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionGTE (Grupo de Tecnoloxía Enerxética)spa
dc.subject.unesco3313 Tecnología E Ingeniería Mecánicasspa

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