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dc.contributor.authorGarcía Chan, N.
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez Vázquez, Lino José 
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Varela, Aurea Maria 
dc.contributor.authorVázquez Méndez, Miguel Ernesto
dc.identifier.citationMathematics and Computers in Simulation, 190, 745-759 (2021)spa
dc.description.abstractThe use of optimization techniques for the optimal design of roads and railways has increased in recent years. The environmental impact of a layout is usually given in terms of the land use where it runs (avoiding some ecologically protected areas), without taking into account air pollution (in these or other sensitive areas) due to vehicular traffic on the road. This work addresses this issue and proposes an automatic method for obtaining a specific corridor (optimal in terms of air pollution), where the economically optimized road must be designed in a later stage. Combining a 1D traffic simulation model with a 2D air pollution model, and using classical techniques for optimal control of partial differential equations, the problem is formulated and solved in the framework of Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming. The usefulness of this approach is shown in a real case study posed in a region that suffers from serious episodes of environmental pollution, the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (México)spa
dc.description.sponsorshipXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2018/50spa
dc.description.sponsorshipSistema Nacional de Investigadores | Ref. SNI-52768spa
dc.description.sponsorshipPrograma para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente | Ref. PRODEP/103.5/16/8066spa
dc.publisherMathematics and Computers in Simulationspa
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
dc.titleDesigning an ecologically optimized road corridor surrounding restricted urban areas: a mathematical methodologyeng
dc.publisher.departamentoMatemática aplicada IIspa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionCOmputational LEarnigspa
dc.subject.unesco2501.21 Simulación Numéricaspa
dc.subject.unesco206.13 Ecuaciones Diferenciales en Derivadas Parcialesspa
dc.subject.unesco3308.01 Control de la Contaminación Atmosféricaspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=Mathematics and Computers in Simulation|volume=190|journal_number=|start_pag=745|end_pag=759spa

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