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dc.contributor.authorBarcala Furelos, Roberto Jesus 
dc.contributor.authorCarracedo Rodríguez, Eloy
dc.contributor.authorLorenzo Martínez, Miguel 
dc.contributor.authorAlonso Calvete, Alejandra 
dc.contributor.authorOtero Agra, Martín 
dc.contributor.authorJorge Soto, Cristina
dc.identifier.citationThe American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 70, 70-74 (2023)spa
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Drowning is a public health problem. Interrupting the drowning process as soon as possible and starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can improve survival rates. Inflatable rescue boats (IRBs) are widely used worldwide to rescue drowning victims. Performing CPR in special circumstances requires adjusting the position based on the environment and space available. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of over-the-head resuscitation performed by rescuers aboard an IRB in comparison to standard
dc.description.abstractMethods: A quasi-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional pilot study was conducted. Ten professional rescuers performed 1 min of simulated CPR on a QCPR Resuscy Anne manikin (Laerdal, Norway) sailing at 20 knots using two different techniques: 1) standard CPR (S-CPR) and 2) over-the-head CPR (OTH-CPR). Data were recorded through the APP QCPR Training (Laerdal, Norway).spa
dc.description.abstractResults: The quality of CPR was similar between S-CPR (61%) and OTH-CPR (66%), with no statistically significant differences (p = 0.585). Both the percentage of compressions and the percentage of correct ventilations did not show significant differences (p > 0.05) between the
dc.description.abstractConclusion: The rescuers can perform CPR maneuvers with acceptable quality in the IRB. The OTH-CPR technique did not show inferiority compared to S-CPR, making it a viable alternative when boat space or rescue conditions do not allow the conventional technique to be
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidade de Vigo/CISUGspa
dc.publisherThe American Journal of Emergency Medicinespa
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.titleAssessment of over-the-head resuscitation method in an inflatable rescue boat sailing at full speed. A non-inferiority pilot studyen
dc.publisher.departamentoDidácticas especiaisspa
dc.publisher.departamentoBioloxía funcional e ciencias da saúdespa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionEquipo de Investigación en Rendemento e Motricidade do Salvamento e Socorrismospa
dc.subject.unesco2411.17 Fisiología de la Respiraciónspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=The American Journal of Emergency Medicine|volume=70|journal_number=|start_pag=70|end_pag=74spa

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