Design and testing of a decision tree algorithm for early failure detection in steel truss bridges
UNESCO SUBJECT: 3305.06 Ingeniería Civil
This paper develops a methodology for damage identification in steel truss bridges that uses vibration-based monitoring data and a model-based decision tree algorithm. The methodology resorts to a calibrated FE model with an optimization-based parameter identification procedure to simulate and analyze all the potential damages that might affect the structure. The effect of environmental conditions on the modal parameters is also accounted for, which is modeled as structure stiffness variations using the Young’s modulus and forecasted using a surrogate modeling strategy. The feasibility of the methodology is demonstrated on a full-scale bridge in Vilagarcía de Arousa, Spain. The underlying hypotheses used in the algorithm implementation were validated, and the error ponderation and selection bound employed to detect and identify damage were optimized. The results show an average success rate of 95.0% and an average false positive rate of 1.0% in identifying damage indicating its robustness to be extrapolated to other case studies.