SUPERVISED BY: Roman Portas, Maria Mercedes
UNESCO SUBJECT: 5506.11 Historia del Periodismo
DOCUMENT TYPE: doctoralThesis
O humor gráfico é unha das grandes achegas de Galicia á cultura universal, con nomes como os de Xosé María Cao ou Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao, por citaren só algúns dos máis afastados no tempo. Porén, non se ten estudado moito, sobre todo desde a Guerra Civil en adiante. Esta tese tenta encher en parte este baleiro, particularmente no que respecta ao periodo desenvolvido a partir de 1970, un dos máis brillantes do xénero en Galicia, que experimentou daquela un rexurdimento despois de varias décadas de censura e decadencia artística. A investigación céntrase no labor de Xaquín Marín, un dos principais artífices desta etapa, canda outros como Fernando Quesada ou Siro López.
A tese tiña dous obxetivos fundamentais: describir as principais fases da traxectoria humorística de Marín na prensa e descubrir as claves do seu particular universo ético e estético.
Para realizar esta investigación utilizouse fundamentalmente dous métodos: a observación de viñetas e a entrevista en profundidade. Canto ao primeiro, tentouse facer unha revisión o máis exhaustiva posíbel da obra de Marín: foi consultado todo o seu traballo para Chan, Hermano Lobo, La Codorniz, Teima e A Nosa Terra, e boa parte do que levou a cabo para El Ideal Gallego e La Voz de Galicia. Asimismo, consultáronse todas as escolmas de viñetas publicadas polo humorista, nomeadamente estas catro: Alcacén para gaitas (1980), Feito a man (1997, Trinta e tantos con Xaquín Marín (2001) e O humor desde Ferrol (2009), o que supuxo a observación de máis de 450 ilustracións máis preto de outras mil contidas no cederrón que acompaña á terceira das devanditas antoloxías.
No tocante ao segundo método, entrevistouse en profundidade ao debuxante, con quen se tivo un encontro persoal en Fene o 4 de outubro de 2012, e realizáronse tamén outras entrevistas –persoais, telefónicas ou electrónicas– a once persoas vencelladas á súa figura e obra: os humoristas gráficos galegos Siro López, David Pintor (Pinto), Leandro Barea e Kiko da Silva; o exdirector do Museo Arqueolóxico da Coruña Felipe Senén; o xornalista e fotógrafo cubano Francisco Puñal; o humorista gráfico holandés Peter Nieuwendijk (presidente xeral da Federation of Cartoonists Organizations, FECO), a cartoonista arxentina-alemá Marlene Pohle (presidenta da FECO en Alemaña), o produtor cultural e historiador portugués Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa, o xornalista e escritor portugués José Viale Moutinho e o caricaturista portugués António Antunes. A alta porcentaxe de persoeiros portugueses entrevistados explícase porque a tese inclúe un capítulo dedicado á relación de Marín con Portugal, onde é tido en grande consideración tanto pola súa traxectoria como humorista gráfico como polo seu labor como fundador e director do Museo do Humor de Fene, un dos poucos do mundo no seu xénero. Esta pescuda deu lugar a unha estadía de investigación no Porto, baixo a tutela da doutora Yolanda Espiña, para poder acadar a mención de Doutor Internacional.
Da investigación realizada conclúese que Marín pode ser considerado o humorista gráfico galego máis relevante desde Castelao, porque ningún outro innovou tanto graficamente nin foi quen de facer unha obra de valores universais coa temática dun pequeno país. O humorista ferrolán acadou cedo un estilo de seu profundamente orixinal asemade que fondamente galego, e construíu unha particular cosmovisión de Galicia que lle ten permitido contar coma ninguén as grandes mudanzas experimentadas pola sociedade galega ao longo dos últimos 45 anos. One of the great contributions to universal culture of Galicia is graphic humor, with names like Xosé María Cao or Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao, just to name a couple of the most long lasting over time. However, not a lot of research has been carried on this, especially from the Civil War onwards. In part, this thesis attempts to fill this void, particularly the period after 1970, one of the brightest in the genre in Galicia, when it experienced a resurgence after decades of censorship and artistic decline. The research focuses on the work of Xaquín Marín, one of the main instigators of this time, with others like Fernando Quesada or Siro López.
The thesis has two fundamental objectives: to describe the main phases of the humorous path of Marín in the press and to discover the key to his own ethical and aesthetic universe.
For this research, two methods were used: watching cartoons and in-depth interviews. As for the first, a thorough and extensive review of the work of Marín was done, consulting all his works for Chan, Hermano Lobo, La Codorniz, Teima and much of the work he carried out for El Ideal Gallego and La Voz de Galicia. All the cartoons published by the humourist were consulted, namely these four: Alcacén para gaitas (1980), Feito a man (1997, Trinta e tantos con Xaquín Marín (2001) and O humor desde Ferrol (2009), which meant the viewing of over 450 illustrations as well as a thousand others contained in the CD-ROM that accompanies the third of these anthologies.
With regards to the second method, an in depth interview was conducted with the artist, with whom a personal meeting took place in Fene on the 4th of October 2012 and other interviews were also conducted in person, by telephone or email, with eleven people linked to his figure and work: the Galician cartoonists Siro López, David Pintor (Pinto), Leandro Barea e Kiko da Silva; the former director of the Archaeological Museum Felipe Senén, journalist and photographer Cuban Francisco Puñal; the Dutch cartoonist Peter Nieuwendijk (general president of the Federation of Cartoonists Organizations, FECO), the German-Argentinian cartoonist Marlene Pohle (president of FECO Germany), producer and cultural Portuguese historian Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa, the Portuguese journalist and writer Jose Viale Moutinho and Portuguese cartoonist Antonio Antunes. The high percentage of Portuguese personalities is a result of the thesis including a chapter dedicated to the relationship of Marín with Portugal, where he is held in high regard for both his career as a cartoonist as well as for his work as founder and director of the Museum of Humor in Fene, one of the few of its kind in the world. This investigation resulted in some of the research having to stay in Porto, under the tutelage of Dr. Yolanda Espiña, so as to achieve a mention of Doctor International.
From the research conducted it is concluded that Marín can be considered as the most relevant Galician graphic humourist since Castelao, because no other innovated both graphically or was able to develop a work of universal values with the theme of a small country. The Ferrol humorist early reached his profoundly original style, that is likewise deeply Galician, and built a particular world view of Galicia which has allowed him to mention, as know-one else can, the major changes experienced by the Galician society over the last 45 years.