Potential of essential oils for protection of Couscous against Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin B1 contamination
UNIVERSAL IDENTIFIER: http://hdl.handle.net/11093/4113
EDITED VERSION: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0956713522006673
UNESCO SUBJECT: 3309.13 Conservación de Alimentos ; 3309 Tecnología de los Alimentos ; 2302.10 Aceites Esenciales
Our study was aimed to evaluate antifungal, antiaflatoxin, and antioxidant potential of Mentha pulegium, Myrtus
communis, and Mentha piperita essential oils (EOs). The EOs showed efficacy as a couscous preservative. A total of
387 fungal species were isolated from Couscous samples, with Aspergillus flavus BN (20) which is identified as the
highest aflatoxin producer. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of M. pulegium and M. communis EOs
against the toxigenic strain of A. flavus BN (20) determined to be 4.00 μL/mL, whereas the MIC of M. piperita was
3.50 μL/mL. The EOs inhibited the aflatoxin B1 production at lower concentrations. The EOs showed fungitoxicity
against wide-ranging of fungi and high antioxidant activity. The IC50 value of the oils ranged between
3.27 and 4.31 μL/mL. EOs may be able to contribute preservation of food commodities against quantitative and
qualitative losses. During fumigation assays in Algerian traditional food system (Couscous), the three EOs
showed protection of Couscous from A. flavus contamination indicating their efficacy as sustainable fumigant in
food systems