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dc.contributor.authorGimeno Sotelo, Luis 
dc.contributor.authorNieto Muñiz, Raquel Olalla 
dc.contributor.authorVázquez Domínguez, Marta 
dc.contributor.authorGimeno Presa, Luis
dc.identifier.citationEarth System Dynamics, 10(1): 121-133 (2019)spa
dc.description.abstractBy considering the moisture transport for precipitation (MTP) for a target region to be the moisture that arrives in this region from its major moisture sources and which then results in precipitation in that region, we explore (i) whether the MTP from the main moisture sources for the Arctic region is linked with inter-annual fluctuations in the extent of Arctic sea ice superimposed on its decline and (ii) the role of extreme MTP events in the inter-daily change in the Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) when extreme MTP simultaneously arrives from the four main moisture regions that supply it. The results suggest (1) that ice melting at the scale of inter-annual fluctuations against the trend is favoured by an increase in moisture transport in summer, autumn, and winter and a decrease in spring and, (2) on a daily basis, extreme humidity transport increases the formation of ice in winter and decreases it in spring, summer, and autumn; in these three seasons extreme humidity transport therefore contributes to Arctic sea ice melting. These patterns differ sharply from that linked to the decline on a long-range scale, especially in summer when the opposite trend applies, as ice melt is favoured by a decrease in moisture transport for this season at this scale.en
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CGL2015-65141-Rspa
dc.publisherEarth System Dynamicsspa
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MICINN/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020/CGL2015-65141-R/ES
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titleThe role of moisture transport for precipitation in the inter-annual and inter-daily fluctuations of the Arctic sea ice extensionen
dc.publisher.departamentoFísica aplicadaspa
dc.subject.unesco2508.10 Precipitaciónspa
dc.subject.unesco2501 Ciencias de la Atmósferaspa
dc.subject.unesco2502 Climatologíaspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=Earth System Dynamics|volume=10|journal_number=1|start_pag=121|end_pag=133spa

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