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dc.contributor.authorKnyazev, A. G.
dc.contributor.authorPark, J.
dc.contributor.authorGolubev, P.
dc.contributor.authorCederkäll, J.
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez Pol, Héctor
dc.contributor.authorBenlliure Anaya, José Fernando
dc.contributor.authorCabanelas, P.
dc.contributor.authorCasarejos Ruiz, Enrique 
dc.contributor.authorCauseret, L.
dc.contributor.authorCortina Gil, Dolores
dc.contributor.authorDíaz Fernández, P.
dc.contributor.authorFeijoo, M.
dc.contributor.authorGalaviz, D.
dc.contributor.authorGaliana, E.
dc.contributor.authorGernhäuser, R.
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, D.
dc.contributor.authorHartig, A. L.
dc.contributor.authorHeinz, A.
dc.contributor.authorHeiss, B.
dc.contributor.authorJohansson, H. T.
dc.contributor.authorKlenze, P.
dc.contributor.authorKröll, T.
dc.contributor.authorPerea, A.
dc.contributor.authorPonnath, L.
dc.contributor.authorRen, Z.
dc.contributor.authorRhee, H. B.
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Sánchez, José Luis
dc.contributor.authorRondeau, G.
dc.contributor.authorTengblad, O.
dc.contributor.authorScheblykin, I. G.
dc.contributor.authorTeubig, P.
dc.contributor.authorTimm, R.
dc.identifier.citationNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1003, 165302 (2021)spa
dc.description.abstractSimulation results for light transport in long tapered CsI(Tl) crystals using look-up tables (LUTs) are presented. The LUTs were derived from the topography of a polished and a lapped surface of a CsI(Tl) crystal measured with atomic force microscopy. Simulations with different combinations of polished and lapped surfaces were performed, to extract the non-uniformity of light collection depending on the interaction point, and compared to experimental results. The simulations reproduce the general trend given by the measurements, and show that more homogeneous light collection is attained when all lateral sides of the crystal are lapped. For the lapped crystal the simulation model is most sensitive to the reflectivity of the enhanced specular reflector (ESR) foil surrounding the crystal, which is one of several properties influencing the light transport examined in this study. The sensitivity of the light-output non-uniformity to variations in the absorption length observed in a batch of CsI(Tl) crystals in a previous study is also discussed. Residual differences between the simulation and the measurements can potentially be attributed to the scattering of scintillation photons inside the materials used. Additional measurements to further advance the construction of the simulation model are suggested.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipSwedish research council | Ref. 2017-03986spa
dc.description.sponsorshipSwedish research council | Ref. 2014-06644spa
dc.description.sponsorshipSwedish research council | Ref. 2013-04178spa
dc.description.sponsorshipSwedish research council | Ref. 2012-04550spa
dc.description.sponsorshipGerman Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Ref. BMBF 05P15WOFNAspa
dc.description.sponsorshipGerman Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Ref. 05P19WOFN1spa
dc.description.sponsorshipGerman Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Ref. 05P15RDFN1spa
dc.description.sponsorshipGerman Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Ref. 05P19RDFN1spa
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital | Ref. FPA2015-69640-C2-1-Pspa
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital | Ref. PGC2018-099746-B-C21spa
dc.description.sponsorshipXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C -2017/54spa
dc.description.sponsorshipXunta de Galicia | Ref. EDB481-2017 / 002spa
dc.description.sponsorshipFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional | Ref. FPA02015-64969-Pspa
dc.description.sponsorshipFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional | Ref. MDM-2016.0692spa
dc.publisherNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipmentspa
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titleSimulations of light collection in long tapered CsI(Tl) scintillators using real crystal surface data and comparisons to measurementeng
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016/FPA2015-69640-C2-1-P/ESspa
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades//PGC2018-099746-B-C21/ESspa
dc.publisher.departamentoEnxeñaría mecánica, máquinas e motores térmicos e fluídosspa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionDeseño e Simulación Numérica en Enxeñaría Mecánicaspa
dc.subject.unesco3312 Tecnología de Materialesspa
dc.subject.unesco2209.11 Luzspa
dc.subject.unesco3313 Tecnología E Ingeniería Mecánicasspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment|volume=1003|journal_number=|start_pag=165302|end_pag=spa
dc.referencesDiscussions with Vladimir Avdeichikov and Bo Jakobsson overseveral years, preceding this study, are greatly acknowledged as isthe work by Oleksandr Bobovnikov to lap the crystal to preparefor the measurements, and the information from Emilie Roncali andMariele Stockhoff concerning the implementation of LUTs in Geant4 simulations. Tusiime Swaleh is acknowledged for exploring light col-lection simulations for the project, using a different surface modeland crystal geometry than what was finally adopted for the detec-tor and presented in this work. This work was supported by theSwedish research council (VR) grants 2017-03986, 2014-06644, 2013-04178, 2012-04550, BMBF contracts 05P15WOFNA, 05P19WOFN1,05P15RDFN1, 05P19RDFN1, the TU Darmstadt – GSI cooperation con-tract HIC for FAIR, by the Spanish research council grants FPA02015-64969-P (MINDECO/FEDER/EU), FPA2015-69640-C2-1-P, PGC2018-099746-B-C21, MDM-2016.0692 (MINECO/FEDER/EU) and byED431C-2017/54 and EDB481-2017/002 (Xunta de Galicia/FEDER/EU)spa

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