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dc.contributor.authorSoares Da Silva, María Aurora 
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Sofia A.
dc.contributor.authorCarpena Rodríguez, María 
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Oliveira, Paula 
dc.contributor.authorGullón Estévez, Patricia
dc.contributor.authorBarroso, M. Fátima
dc.contributor.authorPrieto Lage, Miguel Ángel 
dc.contributor.authorSimal Gándara, Jesús
dc.identifier.citationAntibiotics, 9(10): 642 (2020)spa
dc.description.abstractIn the last few decades, attention on new natural antimicrobial compounds has arisen due to a change in consumer preferences and the increase in the number of resistant microorganisms. Macroalgae play a special role in the pursuit of new active molecules as they have been traditionally consumed and are known for their chemical and nutritional composition and their biological properties, including antimicrobial activity. Among the bioactive molecules of algae, proteins and peptides, polysaccharides, polyphenols, polyunsaturated fatty acids and pigments can be highlighted. However, for the complete obtaining and incorporation of these molecules, it is essential to achieve easy, profitable and sustainable recovery of these compounds. For this purpose, novel liquid–liquid and solid–liquid extraction techniques have been studied, such as supercritical, ultrasound, microwave, enzymatic, high pressure, accelerated solvent and intensity pulsed electric fields extraction techniques. Moreover, different applications have been proposed for these compounds, such as preservatives in the food or cosmetic industries, as antibiotics in the pharmaceutical industry, as antibiofilm, antifouling, coating in active packaging, prebiotics or in nanoparticles. This review presents the main antimicrobial potential of macroalgae, their specific bioactive compounds and novel green extraction technologies to efficiently extract them, with emphasis on the antibacterial and antifungal data and their
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional
dc.titleMacroalgae as a source of valuable antimicrobial compounds: extraction and applicationsen
dc.publisher.departamentoQuímica analítica e alimentariaspa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionInvestigacións Agrarias e Alimentariasspa
dc.subject.unesco2414.08 Procesos Microbianosspa
dc.subject.unesco2417.07 Algología (Ficología)spa
dc.subject.unesco3328 Procesos Tecnológicosspa

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