Browsing by author "Aagaard, Kjersti M."
Now showing items 1-1 of 1
SARS-CoV-2 genomic diversity and the implications for qRT-PCR diagnostics and transmission
Sapoval, Nicolae; Mahmoud, Medhat; Jochum, Michael D.; Liu, Yunxi; Elworth, R.A. Leo; Wang, Qi; Albin, Dreycey; Ogilvie, Huw A.; Lee, Michael D.; Villapol, Sonia; Hernández, Kyle M.; Maljkovic Berry, Irina; Foox, Jonathan; Beheshti, Afshin; Ternus, Krista; Aagaard, Kjersti M.; Posada González, David; Mason, Christopher E.; Sedlazeck, Fritz J.; Treangen, Todd J.
Bioquímica, xenética e inmunoloxía