Browsing by author "Estevez Telle, Natalia"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Biofunctionality assessment of α-lactalbumin nanotubes
Fuciños Gonzalez, Clara; Estevez Telle, Natalia; Pastrana Castro, Lorenzo Miguel; Tovar Rodríguez, Clara Asunción; Rua Rodriguez, María Luisa
Química analítica e alimentaria
Effectiveness of proteolytic enzymes to remove gluten residues and feasibility of incorporating them into cleaning products for industrial purposes
Fuciños González, Clara; Estévez Telle, Natalia; Míguez Quintas, Martín; Fajardo Bernárdez, Paula; Chapela Garrido, María José; Gondar Bouzada, Dora; Rúa Rodríguez, María Luisa
Química analítica e alimentaria
Integrative processes for the valorisation of bovine whey proteins through the production of bioactive peptides and heat-induced gels, and their use as functional ingredients
Estevez Telle, Natalia
Química analítica e alimentaria
Doutoramento en Programa Oficial de Posgrao en Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria (RD 56/2005)