Browsing by author "Delgado Nuñez, Cristina"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Climate and vegetation changes in coastal ecosystems during the Middle Pleniglacial and the early Holocene: Two multi-proxy, high-resolution records from Ría de Vigo (NW Iberia)
García Moreiras, Iria; Delgado Núñez, Cristina
; Martínez Carreño, Natalia
; García Gil, Maria Soledad
; Muñoz Sobrino, Cástor
Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo
A comparison of national approaches to setting ecological status boundaries in phytobenthos assessment for the European Water Framework Directive: results of an intercalibration exercise
Kelly, Martyn; Bennett, Cathy; Coste, Michel; Delgado Núñez, Cristina; Delmas, François; Denys, Luc; Ector, Luc; Fauville, Claude; Ferréol, Martial; Golub, Malgorzata; Jarlman, Amelie; Kahlert, Maria; Lucey, John; Ní Chatháin, Bernadette; Pardo Gamundi, Isabel Maria
; Pfister, Peter; Picinska-Faltynowicz, Joanna; Rosebery, Juliette; Schranz, Christine; Schaumburg, Jochen; van Dam, Herman; Vilbaste, Sirje
Ecoloxía e bioloxía animal
The cultural ecohydrogeology of Mediterranean-climate springs: a global review with case studies
Pascual, Roger; Piana, Lucia; Bhat, Sami Ullah; Castro, Pedro Fidel; Corbera, Jordi; Cummings, Dion; Delgado Núñez, Cristina; Eades, Eugene; Fensham, Roderick J.; Fernández-Martínez, Marcos; Ferreira, Verónica; Filippini, Maria; García, Guillermo; Gargini, Alessandro; Hopper, Stephen D.; Knapp, Lynette; Lewis, Ian D.; Peñuelas, Josep; Preece, Catherine; Resh, Vincent H.; Romero, Estela; Samraoui, Boudjéma; Samraoui, Farrah; Segadelli, Stefano; Skoulikidis, Nikolaos Th.; Solak, Cüneyt N.; Solé, Jaume; Villholth, Karen G.; Wani, Huma Khurshid; Cantonati, Marco; Stevens, Lawrence E.
Ecoloxía e bioloxía animal
Ecology and taxonomy of benthic diatoms in continental aquatic ecosystems
González Paz, Lorena
Ecoloxía e bioloxía animal
Programa de Doutoramento en Auga, Sustentabilidade e Desenvolvemento (RD 99/2011) -
A multimetric diatom index to assess the ecological status of coastal Galician rivers (NW Spain)
Delgado Núñez, Cristina; Pardo Gamundi, Isabel Maria
; García Lago, Liliana
Ecoloxía e bioloxía animal
Response of biofilm growth to experimental warming in a temperate stream
Delgado Núñez, Cristina; Almeida, Salomé F.P.; Elias, Carmen L.; Ferreira, Verónica; Canhoto, Cristina
Ecoloxía e bioloxía animal
The role of biofilms developed under different anthropogenic pressure on recruitment of macro-invertebrates
Cacabelos Reyes, Eva; Ramalhosa, Patrício; Canning Clode, João; Souza Troncoso, Jesús
; Olabarría Uzquiano, Celia
; Delgado Nuñez, Cristina
; Dobretsov, Sergey; Gestoso Garcia, Ignacio Jose
Ecoloxía e bioloxía animal
Sediment recycling during the Holocene marine transgression in Ría de Vigo (NW Iberia): multiproxy evidence and environmental implications
Muñoz Sobrino, Cástor; Castro Parada, Alberto
; Cartelle Álvarez, Víctor; Martínez Carreño, Natalia; Delgado Núñez, Cristina
; Cazás Fraga, Nerea
; Lázaro, Ivette; García Gil, Maria Soledad
Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo