Browsing by author "Estevez Guiance, Laura"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Assessing citric acid-derived luminescent probes for pH and ammonia sensing: a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study
Placer Vidal, Lorena; Estevez Guiance, Laura; Lavilla Beltran, Maria Isela; Pena Pereira, Francisco Javier; Bendicho Hernandez, Jose Carlos
Química analítica e alimentaria
First characterization of the formation of anthocyanin–ge and anthocyanin–B complexes through UV–Vis spectroscopy and density functional theory quantum chemical calculations
Estevez Guiance, Laura; Queizan Cores, Marta; Mosquera Castro, Ricardo Antonio; Guidi, Lucia; Lo Piccolo, Ermes; Landi, Marco
Química Física
Square-planar and octahedral nickel complexes of an acylhydrazone ligand and the serendipitous isolation of a potential octahedral nickel acylhydrazone precursor
Carballo Rial, Rosa; Lago Blanco, Ana Belén; Vázquez-Toirán, María; Estévez Guiance, Laura; Vázquez López, Ezequiel Manuel
Química inorgánica