Browsing by author "Fernández Fernández, José Luis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Characterization of defects in plates by two-dimensional ultrasonic displacement maps : comparison between pulsed TV-holography measurements and finite element method predictions
Rodríguez Gómez, Pablo; López Vázquez, José Carlos
; Trillo Yáñez, María Cristina
; Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel
; Fernández Fernández, José Luis
Física aplicada
Characterization of the sound field generated by an ultrasonic transducer in a solid medium by Rayleigh-Sommerfeld back-propagation of bulk acoustic waves measured with double-pulsed TV holography
Trillo Yáñez, María Cristina; Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel
; Fontán Martínez, Lidia María
; Fernández Fernández, José Luis
; Rodríguez Gómez, Pablo
; López Vázquez, José Carlos
Física aplicada
Contrast-enhanced and phase-controlled stroboscopic additive fiber optic TV holography for whole field out-of-plane vibration analysis
Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel; Fernández Fernández, José Luis
; Perez-Martinez Perez-Amor, Mariano Jesus
; Valera, Jesus D. R.; Jones, Julian D. C.
Física aplicada
Crack detection by TV holography: continuous and pulsed techniques
Blanco García, Jesús; Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel
; Fernández Álvarez, Antonio; Vázquez Dorrío, José Benito
; López Vázquez, José Carlos
; Soto Costas, Ramón Francisco
; Alén de la Torre, José María; Fernández Fernández, José Luis
; Perez-Martinez Perez-Amor, Mariano Jesus
Física aplicada
Determination of the frequency spectrum of Lamb waves from a sequence of maps of the instantaneous acoustic displacement obtained with TV holography
Deán Ben, José Luis; Trillo Yáñez, María Cristina
; López Vázquez, José Carlos
; Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel
; Fernández Fernández, José Luis
Física aplicada
Episcopic coaxial illumination device for the simultaneous recording of the speckle signature in the spectrum and in the image of scattering reflective surfaces
Fernández Fernández, José Luis; López Vázquez, José Carlos
; Trillo Yáñez, María Cristina
; Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel
Física aplicada
Episcopic coaxial illumination instrument for the simultaneous recording of the speckle signature in the energy spectrum and in the image of scattering reflective surfaces
Fernández Fernández, José Luis; López Vázquez, José Carlos
; Trillo Yáñez, María Cristina
; Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel
Física aplicada
Fibreoptic reflectometric technique for the automatic detection and measurement of surface cracks
López Vázquez, José Carlos; Fernández Doval, Ángel Manuel
; Vázquez Dorrío, José Benito
; Blanco García, Jesús
; Bugarín Diz, Javier; Alén de la Torre, José María; Fernández Álvarez, Antonio; Fernández Fernández, José Luis
; Perez-Martinez Perez-Amor, Mariano Jesus
; González Tejedor, Benjamín
Física aplicada